Sunday, 24 January 2021

Online Learning Week 3.

Second Class: Online Learning 25th -29th January 2021

Please complete all work in the spare copy I have added into you pack.


Zoom at 11:00



Zoom at 11:00


Zoom at



Collect reading books

Read and Learn poem

Random Recipe

English: Instructional Writing:

See Seesaw

English: Comprehension- ‘Copper’

The Green Genie pages 64-65

English-Phonics y as i

The Green Genie

page 66


English- Grammar: Word Study

The Green Genie page 67


Spellings-Section 2 Week 18

Choose 5 and write them in sentences.


Choose 10: Write them and then draw a picture for each.



Use things you have at home to create 3D spellings. eg playdough, pasta, rice, spoons etc…


Write ten of your spellings in ‘pyramid writing’.

Spelling Test


English in Practice

Day 61


English in Practice

Day 62

English in Practice

Day 63

English in Practice

Day 64


Maths- Master Your Maths

Week 16

Maths- Master Your Maths


Maths- Master Your Maths

Maths- Master Your Maths

Maths- Master Your Maths End of unit test  (page 80)

Maths: Tables +11


Busy at Maths- Page 73


Maths- Seesaw

Maths- Seesaw



Abair Liom lch 78 (Seesaw)


Abair Liom lch 79



Abair Liom lch 80


Abair Liom lch 81

All Write Now

Pages 24&25 (You can complete these pages any time throughout the week)

Religion: Seesaw       

Religion: Seesaw


Zoom call

This will be with Joanne- and you will be drawing caricatures.

You will need a pencil, rubber and blank paper.



Please note this week I will be phoning students who have not uploaded work on Seesaw or by email.

Sunday, 17 January 2021


 Remember zoom call tomorrow Monday 18th January at 11:00. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Please send me an email/message on Seesaw if you cannot participate. Link on Seesaw and has also been emailed to you. 

Miss Murphy

Second Class Online Learning Week 2 18th-22nd January 2021


Second Class: Online Learning 18th -22nd January 2021

Please complete all work in the spare copy I have added into you pack.


Zoom at 11:00



Zoom at 11:00



Read and Learn poem

Switch Switch

(We will discuss this on Zoom)

English: Letter Writing- Write a letter to one of your friends who you are missing at the moment.(I can upload these so your friend can see it)

English: Comprehension

The Green Genie pages 60-61


The Green Genie

page 62

(Seesaw video)

English- Grammar: Compound Words

The Green Genie page 63

(Seesaw video)

Spellings-Section 2 Week 17

Choose 5 and write them in sentences


Choose 10 and write them other-handed. (strong hand then weak hand)



Create a word search with 10 of your spelling words.

Draw a picture of something you like. Hide all of your spelling words in the picture.

Spelling Test


English in Practice

Day 57


English in Practice

Day 58

English in Practice

Day 59

English in Practice

Day 60


Maths- Master Your Maths

Week 15

Maths- Master Your Maths


Maths- Master Your Maths

Maths- Master Your Maths

Maths- Master Your Maths End of unit test  (page 80)

Maths: Tables +9

9+7 up to 9+12

Busy at Maths- Page 69

Busy at Maths-page 70

Busy at Maths- Page 71

Busy at Maths-

page 72


Abair Liom lch 72-73 (Seesaw)



Abair Liom lch 74 Rólimirt (Seesaw)


Abair Liom lch 75

Léigh agus freagair na ceisteanna


Abair Liom lch 76


Abair Liom lch 77

All Write Now

Pages 20&21

Religion page 26


Religion page 27

See Seesaw

See Seesaw


Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Seesaw codes

 Good evening everyone, 

Can I just remind you all that last year’s seesaw codes will not work this year. You will find your child’s code stuck into the front of their homework diary. If anyone is having difficulty getting on please message me. 

Miss Murphy

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Online Learning -Seesaw

 Hi Everyone, so although the plan for the week is on the blog you will find more information on the seesaw account. This is an example of how you can access the work daily. 

I will also be recording captions and recordings to some of these pages. You will be able to access these at any time.

Online Learning 11th- 15th January 2021


Second Class: Online Learning 11th -15th January 2021

Please complete all work in the spare copy I have added into you pack.




Zoom at 11:00



Collect books


English: Writing

* My Christmas Holidays

English- Comprehension

The Green Genie

Page 56-57

(Seesaw video)

English-Phonics Revision

The Green Genie

page 58

(Seesaw video)

English- Grammar: Compound Words

The Green Genie page 59

(Seesaw video)


Choose 5 and write them in sentences


Choose 5 and write them in

Bubble Writing


Choose 5 and write them in Rainbow Writing


Choose 5 and write them in silly sentences

Spelling Test


Maths- **Master Your Maths

Maths- Master Your Maths

Maths- Master Your Maths

Maths- Master Your Maths

Maths- Master Your Maths Friday Review and end of unit test (back of book)

Maths: Counting in 2’s, 3’s and 5’s.

Busy at Maths- Ensure page 66 is complete.

Busy at Maths-page 67

Busy at Maths- Page 68

Maths Test

(I will upload this)


Caint Na Maidine



Abair Liom lch 68 Fionn agus an Dragún (Seessaw)


Abair Liom lch 69 Fionn agus an Dragún (Seessaw)


Abair Liom lch 70


Abair Liom lch 71

English in Practice

English in Practice

English in Practice

English in Practice

English in Practice


All Write Now

Page 22

 Watch the story of David and Goliath (Seesaw)

All Write Now Page 23



* My Christmas Holidays: You may write (type) this on Seesaw or in your copy and upload a picture.

**Master Your Maths/English In Practice: I will upload the answers on seesaw and you can correct them yourselves. Please remember to fill in the grid at the start of your books.

Please keep an eye on Seesaw every day (if possible) as there will be videos explaining certain tasks. 

Have a good week everyone. Looking forward to chatting to you all on Wednesday☺

Online Learning

 Hi everyone, 

I hope you are all keeping well. Unfortunately we won't be returning to school just yet so we'll be working online for a few weeks. I will be uploading the work on the class blog but also on 'Seesaw'. Seesaw will be my main method of communication so it is important that you keep an eye on it regularly. You will be able to upload work for correction on it by typing, drawing or recording. Please don't worry if you can't upload all of your work but please do encourage your child to keep up with the work as much as possible. That way, we will be able to move on as soon as we get back to school. I will create videos and upload them on seesaw to explain work/do reading etc. We will also have 2 live video calls per week on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11am. The first of these will take place on Wednesday the 13th of January. These calls will be a great opportunity for the students to talk to each other.

For now, we will be concentrating mostly on English, Irish and Maths. Please feel free to complete mini-projects on other areas of the curriculum and upload them on Seesaw or email them to me (if you have time). We will also be completing Religion work as this is a very important year for us. 

You will be able to complete accelerated reading tests online during the week and I will create a 'Kahoot' quiz that you can do in your own time. 

 Remember you can email me anytime on and I will get back to you asap.

Best Wishes, 

Miss Murphy 

Saturday, 2 January 2021


Hi everyone, hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and a great New Year. ‘Star Camp’  are running a free virtual camp starting on Monday the 4th. It looks excellent . All you need to do is register to the virtual January camp using the following link.