Sunday, 15 November 2020

Science Week

 Last week, we had lots of fun (and mess) completing experiments for Science Week. Have a look 👀

Friday, 6 November 2020


We completed construction this week linked to our SESE this week , Rain . We had lots of fun (and rice explosions) creating these.

Our Rain ☔️


Sunday, 1 November 2020


 Good morning everyone,

I have assigned lots of activities on seesaw for you to complete at your leisure. These are not compulsory but they will enhance your learning. Please feel free to pick and  choose which activities you would like to complete. There is no time frame for needing to finish these. If you are having difficulty writing using the laptop/tablet etc... don’t worry about work being neat, just try your best. Also, don’t feel like you need to complete all of the tasks. 

I have really enjoyed looking at all of the work you have completed already. Keep up the super work! 

Enjoy the last day of midterm. Looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow. 

Miss Murphy