Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a lovely Easter and a nice break together. Below is an outline of the school work for this week. We will focus on the 3 core subjects of English , Maths and Gaeilge. The outline is split up day by day but you can do as much/little as you want each day.
Also please remember to do your quizzes when you have finished reading a book. https://ukhosted92.renlearn.co.uk/6648402 The teachers can monitor these online and check in to see how you are getting on.
If you have any questions you can contact me on ckeogh@killygarryns.ie. I have sent an email to your parents explaining that we will be using the blog to update and outline your work each week and to be sure to contact me if you have any questions.
To access the Gaeilge content go to:folensonline.ie-registrar-Abair Liom-3rd Class-Lesson 15-Cén sort aimsire atá ann inniú?
To access the maths tutorials go to: mycjfallon.ie-student resources-primary-3rd Class-maths-busy at maths-busy at maths 3-interactive-(choose tutorial number as outlined in plan below).
I am really missing hearing all your news and chatting to you each day. Also Emily I know it was your birthday a couple of days ago so I hope you are well and a big Happy Birthday to you. Have a lovely day, chat soon, Mrs. Keogh.
Here are a few other things that you might like to check out.
Also the scoilnet website is great for further content related to what we are studying. You can view content for every part of the curriculum, using the search and filter arrows on the homepage.The topics below match what we are doing in maths this week.
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